Founder's Message

(Chairman & Managing Director)
Dearlife Distributor.
I personally congratulate You, on taking a valuable decision to start your own business by signing up as a Dearlife Distributor. I heartily welcome you on behalf of Dearlife family with great pride and honour. I would be very delighted to be a part of your series of success stories and I congratulate you in advance to have a wonderful journey of Health, Wealth and Happiness through Dearlife.
Before I introduce you about Dearlife, I would like to throw some light on this beautiful and life-changing industry called ‘Direct Selling’. Direct Selling is a way of doing modern retailing, neither is it an investment business nor a quick rich scheme. It has proved to be a great source of employment generation within a short period of time for those who want to choose as a full-time / part-time career option. Especially nurturing youth into successful entrepreneurs and thereby turning them into valuable assets for the country. Now Direct Selling has gradually strengthened the ‘Make in India’ movement along with empowering our ‘Nari Shakti’.
Now let me introduce you with immense pleasure about our Dearlife Family. The name ‘Dearlife’ means ‘Pyara Jeevan’ and the motive behind Dearlife is you being associated with us will fill your life and your family with Good Health, Ethical Wealth and Inner Happiness. Dearlife is dedicated to follow all ethical practices, building excellent workforce of leadership, best products and services along with highest pay out generating business plan in order to bring a revolutionary change and making all feel proud to be a part of the Direct Selling Industry.
I would wish that, you being a part of Dearlife Family would reach to the highest point of success and be a living inspiration for your team and others. May you achieve success in Dearlife by following our culture of ethical business practices, always following your active leaders, developing learning attitude, and work passionately with a cheerful heart along with the intention to empower others.
My Dearlife family members I would like to tell you that, “strive for excellence along with happiness, and success will automatically follow you”. I heartily believe that you will be the reason to bring smiles and positive changes in many lives through this beautiful company named “Dearlife”.
Wishing you Health, Wealth and Happiness.