Grievance Redressal Policy
It has been Dearlife Empower India Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Dearlife”) endeavour is to provide excellent services and satisfaction to its Consumers. This policy document
aims at providing redressal machinery and a review mechanism to keep the redressal machinery robust and sensitive and ensure prompt redress of consumer’s complaints / grievances, trying to minimize recurrence thereby raising
the level of service delivery.
Our Consumer Grievance Redressal Policy focuses to improve consumer’s satisfaction by collecting feedback from consumers across all business units and action plans are put in place to address key issues faced by the
consumers, which are assigned to the relevant senior leaders to action.
The objective of the policy is to ensure that:
• All consumers are treated fairly and without bias at all times.
• All issues raised by consumers are dealt with courtesy and resolved on time.
• Consumers are made completely aware of their rights so that they can opt for alternative remedies if they are not fully satisfied with our response or resolution to their complaint.
Consumer Grievance Redressal Committee:
Consumers can pursue their complaints with the Consumer Grievance Redressal Committee, which is established by the company for resolving the complaints of the consumers. The committee consists of three officers who are
responsible to ensure that the complaint is resolved on behalf of the Company. They are:
Name | Designation | Contact Number | |
Mr. Manoj Kumar Ray | Director | care@dearlife.co.in | +91-7077725659 |
Mr. Subas Kumar Rath | Assistant General Manager | care@dearlife.co.in | +91-7077725659 |
Registered Address: DEARLIFE EMPOWER INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED DCB 332, DLF Cybercity, Patia, Bhubaneswar - 751024, Odisha (India).
Any Consumer/User of products/services offered by Dearlife can submit any complaint relating to any product or services provided by the company with the Consumer Grievance Redressal Committee. The consumer can lodge his /
her grievance through any of the following channels:
• Complaint in Person:
A consumer can lodge a complaint related to any product or service provided by the company in person during working hours of the company i.e. 09.30 am to 06:00 pm, at its Registered Office at Unit No. DCB 332 DLF Cybercity,
Patia, Bhubaneswar - 751024, Odisha (India), by submitting a written application and giving full detail about the nature of its grievances, date of purchase, Dearlife Distributor from whom purchase has been made, copy of
purchase invoice and any other relevant details.
• Complaints through post/distributor portal/email:
Consumers can also submit their grievances by post or distributor portal or through email at care@Dearlife.co.in by giving full detail about the nature of its grievances, date of purchase, distributor from
whom purchase has been made, copy of purchase invoice and any other relevant details.
• Company website:
Consumers may register a grievance on the Company website– https://backoffice.dearlife.co.in/contactus.html
• Customer care:
Consumer can make a call to customer care at 0674-2974666 and lodge his/her complaint.
Grievance Handling and Resolution Process:
• The complainant will be provided with a Unique Reference Number within 48 hours on registering the grievance, which can be quoted for ascertaining the resolution status. All the complaints will be registered in the
Customer Grievance Register and include full details of the complainant (name, address and contact details), date of receipt, fact of the complaint, category of complaint etc.
• Committee will make all endeavours to resolve the complaint within 30 days of the receipt of the same and for this it would need complete support and co-operation from the complainant in terms of timely submission of
information, clarification or documents if any sort to substantive the complaints and to take suitable action to resolve the same.
• Committee will meet within 7 days of the receipt of the complaint and review the grievance of the complainant. If upon review of the complaint it is felt that more document or clarification are needed, it will send a
written communication to the complainant asking for such details to be provided within 7 days from the date of communication or such additional time as the complaint may seek.
• Where the complainant fails to furnish any further clarification /documents within the time specified or fails to reply, the committee shall form an opinion that the complainant is not interested in pursuing with the
complaint and will close the same, informing the complainant about it.
• Where the information provided by complainant is sufficient to proceed with the resolution of the complaint or upon receipt of any clarification or document sought from the complainant. The committee will call upon the
relevant official/employee/ Dearlife Distributor of the company to furnish its reply to the complaint within 7 days from the date such communication to such official/employee/Dearlife Distributor of the company.
• Committee can also seek any other information or document from the Company or any other person, that it may deem necessary to resolve the complaint of the complainant.
• Committee will not normally provide personal hearing and will be guided by the documents or information made available to it in writing, however if it deems necessary in the interest of justice for suitable resolution of
the complaint it may give personal/telephonic hearing to the complainant and/or the person against who the complaint has been made.
• Upon perusal of the documents and/or after hearing the parties, Committee will give its findings. If it is found that the complainant has genuinely suffered harm or that money paid by the consumer ought to be refunded, it
will order the company/earning Dearlife distributor to compensate the consumer for such harm or refund the money paid. However, if it comes to conclusion that the complaint is not sustainable or is mala-fide it would dismiss
the complaint and inform the complainant accordingly.
• All the proceedings of the Committee will be duly recorded in writing and will be available to any regulatory authority for inspection.
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